Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The path to enlightenment..

Who knows where this path is?
Who knows what this enlightenment is?
I just want peace. And at this point I'm willing to try anything.
The Buddhists roughly state that life is suffering and suffering is life. Or something like that.
I know that. Is that the truth that they speak of? From what I've read "the wanting more" part of life is where we fall short.
And maybe being able to be satisfied with where we are in life is the whole truth, the key.
I am guilty of wanting more. Who isn't? But most of the time I just want less. Less stress, less anxiety, less anger, less guilt, less shame, less pity, less responsibilty, less "duty", less stuff to deal with.
My favorite moments are when I am alone in my thoughts. Listening to the sounds around me or the sound of my own breathing. Less definitely is more.
I guess the point of this is basically an introduction to my journey down this so-called path..
I hope by putting these thoughts down I can come to some conclusions about myself, my life and ultimately, find this peace that I am looking for.

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