Monday, April 11, 2011

Revelation.. I already knew

So, I could say I had a revelation. But really it was more like a reminder.
I "remembered" that I am on my own.
If I want something, I have to get it.
If I want something done, I have to do it.
Which is cool. It is what it is.
I won't lie and say I'm not bitter about it. But, I have to accept it and move on.

I miss my mom. She was the only person I could ever really rely on.
And she told me that life is like that. Marriage is like that.
She wasn't ugly about it, but she did teach me that you can't really depend on anyone.
It's a sad fact about life. You just have to deal.

The amazing thing about this realization is that I am oddly at peace with it.
I get a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction having taken care of things myself.
I have no one to thank or to be grateful to. I am happy with myself for having done whatever.
And I don't ever owe anyone anything.

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