Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dear Irresponsible co-worker

There are a few things bothering me.
So, I think it's time to finally clear the air.
First of all, I find it absolutely outrageous that you cannot seem to get to work on time. I realize that you live a good 20-30 minutes away from the office. However, you know this. Therefore, you should plan to leave your house early enough to get here on time. No one is picking on you expecting you to get her at 7:59am. But any time before 8:15am shouldn't be difficult to accomplish.
When you are consistently late and leave early, this causes poor morale amongst our team. You, see each of us get here on time and/or work a complete 8hrs. When you blatantly work whatver hours you choose, this indicates to the team that you feel you are above the time constraints that each of us are required to adhere to each day. Why do you think that you deserve special treatment?
Secondly, I am not your boss. Don't want to be. But, if I assign you a task, I expect it to be done in a timely manner. When you do not complete your tasks, if reflects poorly on the entire team. I do not like looking bad or having to apologize because you are too lazy to get your job done. And if I call you, I have a damn good reason. I am not calling to chat. I am calling because it is important. I can understand one missed call, but not 10. And when you see that I have called you. CALL ME BACK immediately. This is your job.
Speaking of doing your job.. this means completing the task. Not doing it half assed, so that I have to go behind you and either fix what you did wrong or complete the job altogether. I do my job. Why can't do yours?

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